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December 2018

Updated: Dec 18, 2019

This month was relatively quiet for us, the problem with being a bootstrapping studio is you have to cut your cloth to your measure. With the run up to Christmas, we all had to focus our time on earning some extra dosh - as well as actually taking time out to enjoy Xmas (minus Emily who's an absolute scrooge).

Not only this, but we were all relatively spread out (geographically) for the majority of December. This isn't something we're not used to, with our team regularly utilising tools like Google Hangouts (#ad) to hold daily meetings. Usually if we're spread out, we always try to take advantage of the situation as best as we can.

For example, Charis was back in Cyprus for the majority of December but he networked his Greek butt off and managed to bring Project Grove to tradeshow spot at Cyprus XYZ. This was our second international trade show, which for being in business for less than a year is quite something for us. PS, Charis did this trade show on Christmas Eve - big props, as I'm pretty sure the rest of us were getting very merry.

Goals for Dec:

- Trade show Cyprus ✔️

- Animations in ❌

- publisher pitch work ❌

- List of publishers/funding to apply to ✔️

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